framedbyfletcher » framedbyfletcher wedding photography


There are acquaintances, there are friends, and then there are those friends who know everything about you and you know everything about them. Well, here are some of ours. We have been through so many of life’s struggles with Annie and Anthony and we are better people because of them. Before I get too mushy… they invited us to spend an afternoon with them to take some portraits of them being them. This is what we saw.

We love you A&A.

Anthony - January 17, 2011 - 8:19 am

These turned out great, you guys are awesome! Can’t wait to see the full shoot … we love you guys :)

LuAnne Wolfe - January 15, 2011 - 6:44 am

I love all of them! You do wonderful work. The video was a nice surprise and I love the photo of Annie on Anthony’s back. I’ve see something like that before, right kids?

stephanie - January 14, 2011 - 8:55 am

these are great! i always like the ‘behind the scenes’ pics. and now you’ve got videos in the blog, too? fancy! My favorites are the black and white of them sitting in the chairs, and the one of annie laying her head on anthony’s shoulder.


Often I am surprised and always I am thankful that Jonathan and I get to be a part of these special moments in people’s lives. Especially went it involves something as fun as Ryan & Cassandra’s New Year’s eve wedding and party! For Cassandra, the preparations began months and months ago. She planned and organized and even blogged about the details and they came together flawlessly. And finally the big day was here. The girls prepped for the day… hair, makeup, champagne, a movie and conversation. The guys… well, Jonathan was sworn to secrecy so I guess we’ll never know what we can’t tell from the photos;)

The beautiful ceremony was held at Cassandra’s grandparents church in Old Hickory and officiated by her grandfather. Ryan kissed the bride and then it was time to party! The reception was a blast complete with party hats for guests, a count down to the new year at midnight, and lots and lots of dancing. Thank you Ryan & Cassandra for letting us be a part of this day. We truly wish you guys a lifetime of happiness together.

Amanda Anderson - January 10, 2011 - 11:19 am

These pictures are amazing! I want to get married again just so I can have y’all do my wedding!

Mary Moses - January 9, 2011 - 7:27 pm

These turned out awesome! :) Nice job guys! It was a blast!

Krystal - January 9, 2011 - 5:25 pm

lovely photos!!

Amanda Mortus - January 9, 2011 - 2:43 pm

What beautiful shots of such an amazing day! I could hardly get through them all without tearing up :) Many blessings!

Mike Wendel - January 9, 2011 - 1:47 pm

Great pictures. Congratulations.

Jennifer Milton - January 9, 2011 - 11:28 am

Amazing pictures, guys! It looks like it was such a fun wedding. Cass, you look gorgeous, and Ryan looks handsome too :) Sorry I couldn’t be there. Hope to see you soon!

Shelley Bowen - January 9, 2011 - 9:51 am

Beautiful pictures!!! Looks like it was a lot of fun!

Catherine Mobley - January 9, 2011 - 9:43 am

Love Love Love these photos! You can really tell everyone had a wonderful time! Congrats to Cassie and Ryan!! Cassie, you and your bridesmaids look absolutely amazing!

Tabitha - January 9, 2011 - 8:48 am

Congratulations and here’s wishing you both all the best and all the fun and laughter marriage can bring.

LOVE the pictures, they really captured your bubbly personality.

Bicoastal Bride - January 9, 2011 - 8:24 am

What a gorgeous wedding! I’ve followed Cassandra’s blog and am so happy for her! :)

Jennifer Casas - January 9, 2011 - 7:54 am

Your pictures are beautiful!

Mrs. Smith - January 9, 2011 - 7:46 am

Beautiful photos, beautiful wedding!! Congrats to the lovely couple.

Kimberly - January 9, 2011 - 7:42 am

This wedding was beautiful and I am truly honored that I had the opportunity to be there. These photos are awesome and truly capture every aspect of your special day.

Caitlyn Dudley - January 9, 2011 - 7:27 am

love, Love, Love, the photos. I think they are absolutely stunning. These photos really have the New Years spirit. Congrats Cassie and Ryan!

Betsy - January 9, 2011 - 7:26 am

Fantastic pics! What a beautiful couple! Congrats, Cassie!

Jacque - January 9, 2011 - 7:14 am

Love the photos! They capture so many special details! One of my favorites – the bride’s bouquet with the antique wedding hanky. (of course the photo of our dog and her tongue is rather unique also) Too many awesome shots to list!
Jonathan & Blakely – you did an awesome job capturing the event!

Dennis - January 9, 2011 - 6:59 am

What wonderful pictures and a wonderful job. I have never seen a photographer so attached to the subjects and they blended as if they were family. I think the pictures captured that night telling the story of what it was like to be there.

Michael J. Freeman - January 8, 2011 - 11:11 pm

It is nice to see such a great album for such a wonderful wedding.

Kelly Ann - January 8, 2011 - 9:56 pm

was so delighted to see these Cassie. you looked amazing! my favorite is the picture of you and ryan cutting the cake! such a cool angle! the pictures are beautiful! warmest congrats!

Angie Smith - January 8, 2011 - 9:52 pm

I love the pictures! The photobooth pictures look so much fun. Congrats to you and wish I could have been there to see it all!!!

Meagan Nordmark - January 8, 2011 - 9:37 pm

Wow! Congratulations! The pictures are so very beautiful and joyful! Two of my younger sisters looked over my shoulder as I went through them and they couldn’t help smiling and laughing. :) Erin says “she looks like she’s glowing with happiness and it’s contagious!” The photographers did a great job. Congratulations again, may you have a very blessed marriage!

Megan Newell - January 8, 2011 - 9:07 pm

I love the pictures, I’m so glad I could see them since I couldn’t be there. I love the ones of everyone getting ready :)

Colleen McKenna - January 8, 2011 - 8:53 pm

The pictures look amazing!! So sorry I missed it, but you guys look great and it looks like it was one heck of a wedding! :)

Leanne - January 8, 2011 - 8:50 pm

Congrats Ryan and Cassie! The pictures are beautiful and the whole wedding/new years thing is so fun! Good luck!!

Ryan - January 8, 2011 - 8:47 pm

These pics a really cool. I can’t wait for the rest of them. I think it is hilarious that there are like 2 different “Ryan Dance” photos in here.

Sandi Jackson Fischer - January 8, 2011 - 8:45 pm

Beautiful pictures. Wonderful wedding and party. You have captured it beautifully.

Sandi Jackson Fischer - January 8, 2011 - 8:44 pm

I love the pictures. They were done so beautifully and professionally. It really captures the spirit.

Kristen - January 8, 2011 - 8:42 pm

I am Ryan’s cousin and was not able to be there due to work, but these pictures are AMAZING and give me a taste of the awesome party I missed! Congratulations to you both and may you live happily ever after :-)

Netalia Riggle - January 8, 2011 - 8:42 pm

OMG! These are amazing! I love #118 (the bw lights giving that bokeh effect dancing couple) just WOW!!!!! These are fabulous and she will certainly cherish them forever. Wondering if you travel to NC….wedding vows renew in 3 years in Outer Banks.

Johnny Hohenstein - January 8, 2011 - 8:42 pm

These pictures are absolutely gorgeous; you two look so happy! And mucho props to the photogrophers!

Especially love the picture of Kelly hugging Cassie with the bottle of Andrew in her hand :P

Wish you guys a lifetime of happiness! God bless!


Kathy Bourland - January 8, 2011 - 8:03 pm

Love the clocks! They really captured the atmosphere of the whole night!

Amy - January 8, 2011 - 7:09 pm

Such cute pics Cassie! Hope you guys have a lifetime of blissful marriage!

Jane Stirling - January 8, 2011 - 7:04 pm

The pictures make me feel as if I were there. You captured Cassie’s beauty and sassiness, as well as the love shared by Cassie and Ryan. Well done!!

Mary Margaret Yodzis - January 8, 2011 - 7:00 pm

These are fantastic wedding photos!! What a beautiful bride! The photog also has a great eye. Bravo!

Kelly - January 8, 2011 - 3:59 pm

These pictures are beautiful! You two, are incredible photographers!

Bonnie Welch - January 8, 2011 - 1:49 pm

Nice pictures. Where are the family ones in the church and the rest from the reception? Thanks.

Cassandra - January 8, 2011 - 12:45 pm

O.M.G.!!! You guys truly captured the essence of the day. It wouldn’t have been the same without you! The photos are truly divine, and I can’t wait to see the rest. I cannot say it enough, but thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!


It just might have been the coldest day in Houston when we met these two great families at Tom Bass park to take some photos of all the kiddos.  The kids ranged in age from 15 weeks to 7 years old.  They were great and went along with all of our crazy ideas.  We blew bubbles, played hop scotch, ran a race, played on the playground and even rolled down a hay covered hill.  It was a blast… and I even think the kids had fun.  Thanks for being such troopers in the cold!  We hope you love the photos!!

family-sherrib » framedbyfletcher - November 15, 2011 - 7:53 pm

[...] hard to believe it’s been a year since we shot the Browns last. All the kiddos have grown, but are just as sweet. I got together again this past weekend with [...]

best of 2010

As the year comes to a close, I always get a bit nostalgic. I love to look back through the blog every now and then and remember the fun we had at past photo shoots and the amazing people we were blessed to meet along the way. I decided to make it easy on myself, and others who wanted to look back as well, and remember some of my favorite photos from the year by making a “favorites of 2010″ blog post. Jonathan and I are looking forward to meeting new faces in 2011 and reconnecting with old ones. We wish all of you the best in 2011 !

PS… Please don’t mind the changing logo.  We went through a sort of “logo identity crisis” this year but we have found the one we LOVE so get used to seeing it on the photos for a loooong time:)

best of potd 2010

Jonathan takes a picture of the day . . . everyday.  Here are his favorites from 2010 and why.

I took this shot in downtown Franklin at night. The frozen fountain looked awesome in person. I took 4 or 5 exposures at different shutter speeds and merged them together so you’d be able to see the details in both the ice and the fountain.

We had never lived in a place that got snow on a regular basis so when the parking garage outside our townhouse had a nice, even layer of snow on it I was excited to make this shot.

We started a new (to us) workout program last year called “crossfit”. We quickly fell in love with it and the results/feelings associated with such great workouts. I really liked this shot of Blakley doing a pullup, with an exhausted fellow crossfitter in the foreground.

We were pleasantly surprised by the energy and talent of singer/songwriter Serena Ryder who opened for Howie Day at 3rd and Lindsley in Nashville last February. She was quite animated and I love the motion in this shot.

I took this shot while we were in Houston visiting Blakley’s family. I believe this was shot with a 200mm f2.8 lens that I rented. There’s a lot I like about this shot. The bird frozen with his wings spread, the bird making eye contact with the camera, the bird seed falling to the ground all add to the interest for me.

My friend Curtis had me come out and shoot some photos of a plane that his flight school had recently acquired. On the way back to our cars after the shoot I noticed the golden light pouring into this hangar lighting up these great looking yellow planes. I was lazy and didn’t want to unpack my gear, so I shot this with my iPhone. I believe Curtis showed the photo to the owner of the planes who printed it out and has it on their wall.

I also shot this one with my phone as we crawled through a traffic jam in Nashville. I really like the colors, texture and the expressions of both of the guys in the shot.

I shot this one from up high on hill at our friends place in Spring Hill TN. We had a get-together with our church group at their place. They have an awesome area behind their house where we had a campfire. I think what I like most about this shot is the interaction between all of the people and the activity of the kids.

I shot these two shots within a second of each other on our front porch. I don’t think I even cued the dogs. It just so happened that they had the exact opposite pose in each.

Two dog shots in a row? Oh well!

I call this one the headless UPS man. I remember grabbing my phone to get this shot because I thought the light hitting him was awesome. It wasn’t till I got home that I realized his head disappeared.

I might be the only one who likes this shot. I shot this one by pressing my phone up against a “peep hole” that they had left open in the wall around the Franklin theatre in downtown Franklin. It’s being renovated and they were nice enough to give the public a sneak peak on the progress.

I shot this one while we were up in VA visiting my sister (Hi Sally!). They have this incredible man-made ski slope that can be ski’d or snowboarded without snow. We had a lot of fun watching these snowboarders jump. I only brought a 35mm lens with me, so you might have to squint to see the guy.

If you’ve met our dog Sandy, you’ll know that one of her favorite things in life is “hall ball”. I love this series of her chasing and jumping for her ball.

This past summer we spent quite a bit of time in the North Mississippi Hospital in Tupelo with Grandpa (He’s fine now!). This was my favorite “self-portrait” I took with my phone into one of the mirrored domes on the ceiling in the hallway.

I guess there isn’t too much special about this shot. I just love the tongue sticking out of the cat’s mouth and his expression.

I shot this one at Blakley’s Grandpa’s place. Every day around 5pm he goes down to the pond in the backyard to feed the fish. The light is nice that time of day and I really like the way the fish food is backlit in the air as he throws it out. It’s a very special place for us, and I love that Blakley and her cousin are in the foreground watching Art throw out the food.

On one of our last nights in franklin we got together to hang out with our friends from Church. We were lucky to have singer/songwriter Melissa Fuller in our group. She was kind enough to perform some of her songs from her upcoming album for us. It was super dark in the room and took a very high ISO and a very slow shutter to capture this photo but I really like it. I like the emotion on Melissa’s face and the way Scott is gesturing, focused on the music.

Mary Margaret Yodzis - January 8, 2011 - 6:56 pm

What a great set of photos! These are fantastic!!!

Jennifer - December 22, 2010 - 7:33 am

Kind of fun the our yard made the favorites list!! Miss you guys a ton. Hope you’re enjoying being back with family for the holidays.

f a c e b o o k