Well, if you have been following our ‘Tips’ then you are already taking better party pictures and probably better pictures all around… so now it’s time to get those pictures to pop! Let me set the scene…
You are walking down the street (Main St., USA) at the perfect time of day. You notice the sun hitting an incredible tree just right ahead of you. You grab your camera (since reading the informative tips on framedbyfletcher.com you are pretty much a professional so your camera is always by your side). You set up the scene through the viewfinder and take a few shots. It comes naturally to you by now. You get home and download the pictures to your computer. Wow. These photos are ready to go straight out of the camera. You order a print from *PLUG* whcc.com. The photo is at your doorstep in about two days. You open the box, enjoy the delicious blow pop they threw in, and think to yourself ”I cannot believe I took this. This should really be seen by others.” You frame the print and place it on your desk at the office. You can hardly get any work done with all of your co-workers coming up and asking you about the photo. The very next week a guy you barely know offers you $500 for it. Certainly!, you say without hesitation. The week after that another request comes in via email to purchase a print. Signed please. One year later you are a freelance photographer walking down the beach in California sipping a cool drink while your co-workers sit pale-faced in their cubicals staring at the photos you’ve taken. This never would of happened if you hadn’t read that simple tip about making photos that pop while browsing framedbyfletcher.com
The tip: One thing that seems to set professional’s photos apart from amateur’s photos is sometimes just that certain “pop”. There are so many different factors in getting those crisp, vibrant, sharp photos that I could never explain it all in an article. However, since this is a “tip”, I want to give you some helpful hints regarding processing your photos. Most pros use expensive software made by Adobe, Apple or other companies to post process their photos but that is usually overkill for the average enthusiast. There are cheap and even free options out there online you can use to enhance your photos but I’m going to talk about something else in this tip; Making your photos pop straight from the camera. Most of you are probably taking your photos in jpeg and not in raw format. Your camera, whether it be a dslr or a point and shoot probably has the ability to shoot in different customizable profiles. Try them out to see if you can give your photos a little extra color, contrast and sharpness as you take them. Get into your camera menus and try different things. If you pay attention to your composition while you are shooting you could even avoid cropping them on the computer. If you are dead set on buying some software to edit your photos to take more control of the way they look, I would highly recommend adobe lightroom. Its a much cheaper alternative to Photoshop and is likely does 99% of what you need.
Now get out there and shoot!