framedbyfletcher » framedbyfletcher wedding photography


Hey everyone! I’m sure you recognize this sweet family from last year. It’s none other than Erik, A.K.A. “Squishy”! Well, Erik is a year older and cuter than ever. But boy does he have lots of energy now. We had a lot of fun walking, well running, through the park taking these photos for the family last weekend. Merry Christmas guys!!

Lolo - December 13, 2012 - 10:29 am

That’s all…I want to see more I know you took more.

Okay it’s time to take pics of the Iverson’s.

Lolo - December 13, 2012 - 10:28 am

That’s it…I want more I know you took more….okay it’s time to do the Iverson’s.

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