Kelsey is graduating from High School shortly and is off to Iowa State University this fall. Congratulations Kelsey! Wish you the best for the coming year. Hope your first year is a blast!
Happy Easter everyone! Meet Clear Lake High School senior Elise. She’s off to Texas A&M next year. Elise was a natural in front of the camera and made my job easy on this shoot. Have a great first year in College Station!
Yo! Everyone meet Craig. He’s a high school senior at Clear Lake High. He’s planning to follow in his folks footsteps and pursue engineering at Texas A&M next year. We had a fun time taking these photos last week. All the best luck next year Craig!
Little Lucy is already a year old. Eleanor and Charlie are growing up so fast. Time sure does fly! Before you know it their new baby brother or sister will be here. It is always a fun time getting together with this growing family and our dear friends to capture a few moments for them. […]